Irish Psychiatric Inquisition of Dr. Michael Corry

Dr. Michael Corry is a psychiatrist who practices in Ireland.  Unlike many other psychiatrists he refuses to play the ‘mental illness’ game.  What is the mental illness game?  It is the situation whereby the Pharma/Psych alliance gets their hands on someone who is upset, distressed or in some way not coping with something in their life.  They then put them on to antidepressants.  When they succumb to the psychotropic ‘medicine’ and start to act strangely (or worse) they are pronounced ‘mentally ill’.

Then the expensive and destructive ‘treatments’ really start.  It leads to a very profitable and successful career, as long as one is not bothered by such niceties as ethics, or the concept of doing the right and decent thing.  You certainly wouldn’t want to have read the Hippocratic Oath.

Dr. Corry is a lovely bloke.  I met him a few years ago in Ireland and we had a beer together.  He was appalled at the shallow and self serving behaviour of his profession.  He was determined to have no part in the drugging for profit business and to genuinely care for those people who came to him for help.

Dr. Corry has also spent a considerable amount of time and effort fighting other psychiatric horrors such as the frying of human brains via ECT… ElectroShock Torture Therapy.

This has understandably not endeared him to his colleagues.  It is much easier to do what is wrong if everyone else is doing it also.  The first person to stand up and say “this is wrong and I will not participate” will be shot down quick smart.

Thus it is with Dr. Corry.

I have just received the following from Ireland and I urge you to read it and spread the word.  You may submit objections via the address at the bottom.

There is a need for good people to stand up here.

The Wellbeing Foundation


15 October 2009

Human sustainability: the key to emotional health

Professor of Psychiatry charges Dr Michael Corry at Medical Council

A senior psychiatrist, Professor Timothy Dinan of University College, Cork, has laid a complaint against Dr Michael Corry at the Medical Council. The complaint concerns Michael Corry’s statements about the role of SSRI antidepressants in the murder/suicide of Sebastian Creane and Shane Clancy.

Dinan, who is an enthusiastic advocate of SSRIs and SNRIs and has declared his close relations with several drug companies, accuses Dr Corry of “”statements regarding the pharmacology of antidepressants” and of making “statements regarding a diagnosis without ever seeing the patient”.

Dinan has joined in a previous attempt to chill discussion of the effects of antidepressants. Signing himself as Timothy Dinan, MD, PhD, FRCPsych, FRCPI, Professor of Psychiatry, University College Cork, the academic was one of six professors of psychiatry who penned a letter published in the Irish Times on 16 November 2006 demanding the resignation of the then Minister for Mental Health, Tim O’Malley, for two reasons.

One, O’Malley had dared to suggest that many everyday difficulties of life were being mis-labeled as ‘clinical depression’. Secondly, he had dared to suggest, with good reason, that the alleged benefits of medications used to treat mental illness cannot be proven scientifically in the way that other medications can. Both suggestions are cardinal sins for those who rule the world of psychiatry, and whose word is law among the students they teach.


To defend Dr Michael Corry we need other health professionals to stand by him.

We appeal to doctors and nurses, especially psychiatric nurses, together with psychotherapists and counsellors, who are concerned at this attack on the right of medical professionals to oppose the monopoly of bio-psychiatry and are willing to stand up and be counted.

Please contact Dr Corry’s defence team: email wellbeing[at]

(use the @ symbol instead of [at] )

The most chilling part of Professor Timothy Dinan’s complaint is that Corry made “statements regarding the pharmacology of antidepressants”.

If such a complaint is upheld as valid, neither Dr Corry nor any other doctor registered with the Medical Council will ever again be able to ‘make a statement’ on the action of a drug such as Seroxat or Lexapro — or, by extension, of any drug.

Are you willing to allow this to happen?

Send objections to Professor Timothy Dinan’s complaint to:

Mr John Sidebotham

Professional Standards Department Medical Council

Lynn House

Portobello Court

Lower Rathmines Road Dublin 6

Fax: 01 4983103


Visit the Wellbeing Foundation website

For news, views, resources and lots of interesting articles on depression, panic & anxiety, the campaign against electro-shock ‘therapy’, and much more.

33 responses to this post.

  1. […] the subject of which senior psychiatrist complained about Michael Corry… ? Read the following article […]


  2. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 25, 2009 at 3:59 am

    Is the following a warning or not?

    “Take special care …

    – If you are a young adult. Information from clinical trials has shown an increased risk of suicidal behaviour in adults less than 25 years with psychiatric condition who were treated with an anti-depressant.”

    “Patiens under 18 have an increased risk of the side-effects such as suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts and hostility (predominately agression, oppositional behaviour and anger) when they take this class of medicine.”

    The quotes are from the Prozac product information leaflet last approved July 2008.

    Here are some links to articles – published in peer reviewed journals – that show a link between SSRI anti-depressants, suicides and violence:


  3. I know from longterm experience of psychiatric drugs that they cause agitation, restlessness, and the motivation to self harm. I am now 10 years free from these toxic drugs and am free to lead a productive, rewarding life. I communicate with many psychiatric survivors worldwide almost daily and they have similar stories.

    The evidence is there but often doctors do not submit the many adverse effects caused by psychiatric drugs. It is vital that when acts of violence are carried out we know if the people involved are consuming psychotropic drugs at the time.
    How can we have informed consent if we do not know the truth?


  4. I have been 6 years free of psychiatric “medications”, and am a valued and functioning member of society. The drugs were very damaging to me, physically as well as psychologically, and the way doctors, family, etc. kept telling me “how much better” I was further eroded my ability to make good decisions. I would ask my doctor about just about any problem, and would be told, “Oh, that’s just part of your condition.” This is disempowerment at its greatest! Then when your kidneys fail (on other drugs, it’s your liver), they yank you off this drug they have convinced you that you need to take for the rest of your life, and start trying this and that drug, singly and in combinations which have never been tested (except on us as patients). This is not medicine, this is merely drug-pushing. Making it legal does not change this fact. Heaven forbid you ask your doctor what else you could be doing for your mental health! Be quiet and take your medications! My website, linked, has information developed by bipolar patients on what methods of self-treatment have worked for them. The local psychiatrists told me they would not even see me again until I relapsed (cheerfully predicted by them) and came back to them for drugs. These are the actions of healers?


  5. Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin …


  6. Posted by Frank Blankenship on October 25, 2009 at 8:17 am

    Antidepressant pill bottles in the USA have warning labels on them warning of the very behaviors Dr. Michael Corry detected in Shane Clancy. These labels wouldn’t be on the pill bottles if there wasn’t evidense to support the warnings. Dr. Corry should not be punished for telling the truth.

    I’ve read that as many 1 in 10 people are on antidepressants these days. These are statistics that should alarm people. There are better ways to deal with the ups and downs of life than by taking pills, and few ways are better than the ways provided at birth.

    We need more doctors like Dr. Corry who are willing to stand up for the truth rather than fewer.


  7. Sorry the last link did not work. I hope this is successful!
    Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin …


  8. Posted by Dorothy Dundas on October 25, 2009 at 8:38 am

    We must honor and support Dr. Corry in his willingness to stand up and speak the truth about the harmful drugs and courageously to walk beside his friends. I have been free of all psychiatric drugs since 1963, and I have been happy and healthy since for all of these years. Kindness and patience and a willingness to listen are far more healing than any drug.
    Dorothy Dundas


  9. Posted by Don Weitz on October 25, 2009 at 9:13 am

    I totally agree with the supportive comments of Mary Maddock and Dorothy Dundas. I wish there were many more doctors like Dr. Michael Corry. Unlike many other psychiatrists in Ireland, the UK, Canada, Dr. Corry has the intellectual courage and integrity to sound the alarm, to blow the whistle in publicly exposing suicide, mania and other health-threatening effects of allegedly “safe and effective” SSRI antidepressants such as Paxil (Seroxat), Prozac, Zoloft,and Effexor. Like the neuroleptics (“antipsychotics”), antidepressants are chemical lobotomies and frequently cause brain damage;so does electroshock which Dr. Corry, together with thousands of us shock survivors and human rights activists, has also publicly denounced and wants banned. All power and respect to Dr. Corry!
    – Don Weitz, antipsychiatry activist
    Toronto, Canada


  10. I’d like to add my voice to those of you who are doing your best for us. I’m vulnerable to severe depression and have had many bouts since 1992. I’ve been well since September 2008. I have experience of being treated by health professionals in UK & Ireland. I say this in order to put my comments in context. Everything I say is the result of my experience, and I don’t claim to speak for anyone else.

    I’ve never heard of Timothy Dinan in UCC. Nor do I know Michael Corry. (I’ve read some of his writings.)

    It’s good that this has happened. Good that there is a clear difference between those who support Dinan’s view and Corry’s. It is time we had this out in the open and drew the wider public in.

    Bless the psychiatrists. They try. They use the drugs as their crutch, their treatment of choice. Occasionally they make the time to explore what’s the matter. For the most part they follow a formula, a routine, a habit. They checked I was alive. Said a perfunctory few words which seemed to suggest they were interested on how I was getting on. And then confined their attention to whether I was sleeping, eating and having suicidal urges (or thoughts). This meeting included the experience of being asked whether I was still taking my ‘meds’. Their level of sophistication, subtlety, attention was disgracefully and transparently inept.

    I once presented my psychiatrist with my “relapse prevention plan”. Prepared carefully in discussions with my psychiatric nurse. He nodded thanks, put it in my file and stuck to his formula. He ignored me without realising that I could see exactly what he was doing. He displayed no embarrassment. He hadn’t a clue how to do a good job on me.

    After being on the receiving end of several psychiatrists, and seeing one of them inculcate this way of working to a student psychiatrist, I realised this was not a matter of poor individuals. This was systemic.

    So I approach the question of the struggle between Dinan and Corry with an experienced mind.

    Dinan plays the professional game. Obviously he is acting out some sort of plan to present himself as a champion of one side of the argument. A professional ego. We must expect that if there wasn’t this Dinan, there would be another Dinan. This opera has a rich history. Psychiatrists have always dwelt on the edge of being exposed as frauds. Their drugs give them licence to lord over us user of mental health services.

    The good old GP has to refer you on to the psychiatrist. You leave the humanity of the GP (if you’re fortunate to find it) who knows he or she is limited in what they can do. You’re handed over to the heavy hitter, who has almost no limit on what may be prescribed.

    I’m biased as a result of the unfortunate experience of having found more humanity at the bus stop with strangers.

    As if Dinan knows what he’s talking about. I focus on him because others can speak for Corry and his approach. I’ve never met an Irish psychiatrist, except Pat Bracken, who’s come anywhere near persuading me that their first duty is to attend to me. It’s their training, but that’s another story.

    As a way of ending, thanks for reading this much. How can I help us win this fight? What influence can I add to this wonderful campaign to let the Medical Council prove they’re noble and trustworthy.

    Thanks too for reaching me with your publicicy. Keep it up.


  11. […] Dinan has accused Corry of being unfit to practice.  You can find background & other comments here. […]


  12. On further reflection, the reason it is outrageous to have a witch hunt for Dr Michael Corry is because there is no scientific proof that ‘mental illness’ exists and psychiatry thinks it has the right to force others ( in plain language to use violence) to receive its ‘treatments’. Even if it could prove that ‘mental illness’ does exist it would still have no right to be violent or use the threat of violence. Dr Thomas Szasz argues this point very clearly in his many excellent books.
    Just as church, who thinks it believes in a peaceful God it cannot prove it exists, has committed outrageous acts of violence throughout history, psychiatry today believes it can bulldoze its way and make people ‘better’ against their will.
    Now the psychiatrists who oppose Dr Corry’s point of view think they can excommunicate him because he has a different point of view. It is learned behaviour and they have the audacity to label other people as violent. When will we ever learn?


  13. Mary,
    Good morning. I’m struck by your last phrase “When will we ever learn?”

    I, for one, am not part of that “we”. I have already had the good fortune to find out that psychiatrists are simply people trying to earn their living in a particular way. They’re a mixed bag – fortunately. At least there are some that are properly humble in the face of mental health they don’t half understand.


  14. Posted by Nuria O'Mahony on October 26, 2009 at 1:08 am

    Dr. Michael Corry should be praised for highlighting the dangers of the toxic influence of the pharmaceutical industry on psychiatry causing devastating results on the most vulnerable and distressed in our society. I hope the medical council will show the courage to dismiss such a complaint as ludicrous as the institution of psychiatry should look at their practice rather than trying to attack anybody who questions their integrity, specially when their service leaves a lot to desire and it is bursting with conflicts of interests causing devastation by the overuse of toxic and harmful treatments they have to offer most of the time. It is interesting to read that the professor responsible for lodging the complaint against Dr. Corry in the medical council has links to the pharmaceutical industry himself!!! Surprise, surprise!! Time to go back to basics, reflect & examine the present situation in an independent, ethical way and most importantly in the best interest of the patient. If this is the case there is only one way to solve the issue….CHANGE. Is psychiatry ready to change?????


  15. Nuria & I are not related in any way, as far as I know. Simply a coincidence of name


  16. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 26, 2009 at 7:14 am

    I just searched for “suicidality, violence SSRIs” in PubMed and only found a review by Timothy Dinan – yes, the very same – but not the one by Peter Breggin. A clear case of scientific censorship.

    Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2001 Aug;104(2):84-91.
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and violence: a review of the available evidence.
    Walsh MT, Dinan TG.

    Department of Psychiatry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 2, Ireland.

    OBJECTIVE: To provide a clinically useful analysis of the relationship between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), in particular fluoxetine and violent or suicidal behaviour. METHOD: All published papers on Medline and other databases linking serotonin, SSRIs and aggression were reviewed. RESULTS: A small proportion of patients treated with SSRIs may become akathisic and others may show increases in anxiety in the initial phase of treatment, but no increased susceptibility to aggression or suicidality can be connected with fluoxetine or any other SSRI. In fact SSRI treatment may reduce aggression, probably due to positive effects on the serotonergic dysfunction that is implicated in aggressive behaviour directed towards oneself or others. CONCLUSION: In the absence of convincing evidence to link SSRIs causally to violence and suicide, the recent lay media reports are potentially dangerous, unnecessarily increasing the concerns of depressed patients who are prescribed antidepressants.
    PMID: 11473500 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

    And compare it to Peter Breggin’s findings.

    Click to access 31-49.pdf

    Please distribute widely!

    Suicidality, violence and mania cause by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and analysis

    Peter R. Breggin
    101 East State Street, No. 112, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

    Abstract: Evidence from many sources confirms that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) commonly cause or exacerbate a wide range of abnormal mental and behavioral conditions. These adverse drug reactions include the following overlapping clinical phenomena: a stimulant profile that ranges from mild agitation to manic psychoses, agitated depression, obsessive preoccupations that are alien or uncharacteristic of the individual, and akathisia. Each of these reactions can worsen the individual’s mental condition and can result in suicidality, violence, and other forms of extreme behavior. Evidence for these reactions is found in clinical reports, controlled clinical trials, and epidemiological studies in children and adults. Recognition of these adverse drug reactions and withdrawal from the offending drugs can prevent misdiagnosis and the worsening of potentially severe iatrogenic disorders. These findings also have forensic application in criminal, malpractice, and product liability cases. [p.31]


    There are many reports and studies confirming that SSRI antidepressants can cause violence, suicide, manic and other forms of psychotic and bizarre behavior. Overall, the SSRIs produce violence, suicide and extremes of abnormal behavior by a variety of mechanisms. Teicher et al [1] suggest nine possible mechanisms: (1) energizing the depressed suicidal patient, (2) paradoxically worsening the individual’s depression, (3) causing akathisia, (4) causing panic and anxiety, (5) causing manic or mixed manic-depressive states, (6) causing insomnia or disturbances in the sleeping architecture, (7) causing obsessive suicidal preoccupations, (8) causing borderline states of hostility, and (9) causing alterations in EEG activity. Teicher et al. document each of these phenomena in their review of the literature and, as this paper indicates, the scientific evidence has grown considerably stronger in the intervening decade.
    With the exception the alternative in EEG activity, my clinical and forensic work has confirmed that each of above SSRI- and NSRI-induces phenomena can cause violent and suicidal behavior. However, my clinical and forensic experiences and reviews in the literature that four syndromes encompass most of the phenomena and describe most of the individual cases:

    (1) The repoductiion of a stimulant continuum that often begins with lesser degree of insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, hyperactivity and irritability and then progress toward more ever agitation, aggression, and varying degrees of mania. Mania or mania-like symptoms include disinhibition, grandiosity, sleep disturbances, and out-of-control aggressive behavior, including cycling into depression and suidcidality.
    (2) The production fo a combined state of stimulation and depression – an agitated depression – with a high risk of suicide and violence. Often the overall depression is markedly worsened.
    (3) The production if akathisia, an inner agitation or jitteriness that is usually (but not always) accompanied by an inability to stop moving. It is sometimes described as psychomotor agitation or restless leg syndrome. The state causes heightened irritability and frustration with aggression against and others, and often a generally worsening of the mental condition.

    The above often appears in combination with each other. Often the syndromes will abate within days after stopping the SSRI but sometimes they persist, leding to hospitalization and additional treatment over subsequent weeks or months. Reported cases for these syndromes vary widely but each of them appears to be relatively common. They frequently occur in individuals with no prior history for violence, suicidality, psychomotor agitations, or manic-like symptoms. [p46]

    Footnote 1: M. Teicher, C. Glod and J. Cole, Antidepressant drugs and suicidal tendencies, Drug Safety 8 (1993), 182-212


  17. As a professional with a doctorate in clinical psychology who is no longer comfortable receiving any remuneration for anything I do in relation to my training, due to the corrupt nature of the “industry,” I am extremely impressed with Dr. Corry’s reputation of acting and speaking with honesty and integrity in spite of the retaliation he experiences for doing so (which I understand all too well from personal and professional experience).

    These drugs kill brains, lives and possibilities for profit, preying upon the last natural resource capable of being exploited: vulnerable human beings. I’m in the process of writing a book: “Mental Patients are Made Not Born” The vast majority of children who perpetrated Columbine and other school shootings were relentlessly bullied and otherwise traumatized, became symptomatic victims, were labeled, drugged, and then they killed– after which the mainstream media isolated them as the sole perpetrators of these heinous crimes.

    When are we going to look at what we know is happening here *honestly* and *in context* before more ‘healthcare’ providers are accessories to more heinous crimes and get paid handsomely for doing so. People like Dr. Corry should be applauded as heroes for the courage it takes to speak the truth in this devastating, self-protective status quo that would rather poison people for profit, than nurture their indigenous health.

    Tami Williams, Ph.D.


  18. Posted by Brendan Mulchrone on October 28, 2009 at 11:13 pm

    SSRI antidepressants have repeatedly been shown to suppress vitality and distort/bludgeon emotions in the process of chemically transporting their victims along lines that underlyingly compel them either towards unconscionable violence, or in the opposite direction towards suicide. The time is NOW for a no-holds-barred public and professonal debates concerning how best to rid the medical and psychiatric professions of the evils and falsehoods that Dr. Michael Corry has truthfully and courageously indicated.

    The call for doctors, psychiatrists, neurologists, nurses, health visitors etc. to likewise take a stand can be no less urgent now than it may be too late at some point in the not too distant future.


  19. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 30, 2009 at 12:06 pm

    A relatively recent review article:

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Drugs: More Risks …
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View
    21 Feb 2009 … Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D. Table 1. Commonly Prescribed SSRIs and Other Antidepressants. Selective Serotonin. Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Drugs: …


  20. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 30, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    12 Oct 2008 … mild mania] and mania [psychosis] have been reported in adult and … that linked an SSRI antidepressant to suicide in adults.37 May: ……/INTERNATIONAL-WARNINGS-ON-PSYCHIATRIC-DRUGS-Suicide-Homicide


  21. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 30, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    Harm – psychosis, seizures, suicide, homicide and dependency / addiction – was the subject of a two-day international medical-legal conference, October 4 and 5, in Philadelphia on “The Adverse Effects of SSRI Medications.”


  22. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 30, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link
    Adverse drug reactions cannot be predicted. Reactions are often unrelated to the condition for which the medication was prescribed.


  23. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 31, 2009 at 9:19 am

    Here is a chance to inform the initiators of this Media Programme that the Irish Times has violated the rules of honest reporting.

    Headline- the National Media Monitoring Programme for Mental Health and Suicide is conducting an evaluation of its work to date. The goal of the evaluation is to provide useful feedback on the project, and to determine whether Headline is meeting its objectives. As part of the evaluation process, we are conducting a survey of our stakeholders. Feedback will be used, where possible, to provide direction on changes to the service that might be needed.

    We would appreciate your views on the quality of Headline’s services and whether you feel Headline is meeting it’s objectives. We would be grateful if you would take the time to complete the following survey.

    All responses will be anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself. Please note the deadline for completion is 8 September 2009. There are 10 questions and the survey should take about five minutes to complete.

    Headline’s mission and vision statement are outlined below for your information.

    Headline’s Mission Statement:
    Headline is Ireland’s national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media.

    Headline’s Vision Statement:
    The vision of Headline is that all forms of the Irish media responsibly and accurately cover and portray mental health and suicide, that those affected by suicide, deliberate self-harm, mental health problems or mental illness are not adversely affected by media coverage, and that the mental health and mental well-being of the population is prioritised by the media in its work.


  24. Posted by Dorothee Krien on October 31, 2009 at 9:24 am

    Missed this: Please note the deadline for completion is 8 September 2009.

    But who knows, perhaps they might still be willing to listen, even if comments may not be included in the survey.


  25. Posted by Dorothee Krien on November 3, 2009 at 2:04 am

    The Irish Times won’t in all likelihood print any critical letters to the editor BUT you can make a comment on the article by Kate Holmquist and the fact that eight influencial psychiatrists commended her piece of misinformation at the website of the National Media Monitoring Programme for Mental Health and Suicide.


  26. Posted by Alfredo Zotti on January 12, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    I think that Dr Corry has a right to speak from his experience. He is qualified after all. I suffer from Bipolar and I have not been on medication for a few years now. I decided to cut off my medication gradually when, thanks to my academic studies, I understood that there is no mental illness only human suffering. I support Dr Corry and his cause for freedom of speech even against the Pharma companies.

    There is a shift of paradigm coming and the sooner we admit to it the better we will all be. There is no mental illness only human suffering which needs to be treated through talk therapy. We need the governments of the world to finance and support the poor. People need access to therapy and for the poor it should be free at least 18 visits per year as it is the case here in Australia.

    We want freedom of speech not dictators telling us what to say.


  27. Posted by Enda McMullen on February 24, 2010 at 7:21 am

    Dr. Corry passed away on Feb 22nd 2010. The world can only be a poorer place for it. May he rest in peace.


  28. Posted by stephen on February 24, 2010 at 11:50 am

    Yes indeed very sad news about Dr Corry, he was a very caring person, who always gave his best for his patients. Will be sadly missed.


  29. OMG I’m shocked. This is the first I’ve heard of Dr Corry’s death. I hope he had a calm and peaceful passing surrounded by the love he so richly deserved. He will live in my mind.




    • Posted by Nafsica (Sasa) Kelly on December 2, 2015 at 9:42 am

      The work of preparation he could not do others ‘ home work for them.He did tried but was very difficult.He did make people aware…Psychiatric drugs sales have soared in recent years based on psychiatry’s criteria of mental disorders which are a checklist of behaviours,emotions and attitudes.Millions of men,women and children have been wrongly diagnosed as mentally ill.
      Drug treatment target the symptoms rather than the root causes of psychological disorders of the problem .It can be argued drugs can’t retrain,or teach anybody how to manage thoughts or solve social problems.We have to take responsibility and control of our life.Idealy dont give others the power to affect self esteem and behaviour with approval or disapproval.Dicide for ourselvers how we feel.I am very greatful to Michael Corry, SZASZ, and many others who where courages people…
      And humble about they own achievement.

      Michael Corry died February 2010 but his humanity and legacy never will ,he represents the fully fuctioning person .He was aware cruelty and fear are man made .


  31. Posted by Nafsica (Sasa) Kelly on November 25, 2015 at 11:24 am

    We need courageous people in the world.Doctor Corry was humanist psychotherapist.He was critical of a senior psychiatrist professor an enthusistic advocate of SSRIS who has declared his close relations with drug companies:The senior professor has received cash payments from a member of advisory board.His Neuroscience group is maker of Seroxat,and the welcome trust funds biomedical research.Seroxat to blame for baby’s defects said a US jury in Philadelphia decided that British made antidepressant Seroxat was responsible for three year old heart defect.My Personal experience my daughter in law was pregnant and the doctor suggested to her to take antidepressants.Wrongly diagnosed as mentally ill.The doctor prescribed dangerous drugs during pregnacy is not very professional behaviour..Life is difficult once we truly accept it then it is no longer difficult.


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